thank you Sensei Hayashi accepting me to learn from you
Familien-Wappen, Familie Haug

Frank Otto Haug (real name)
Pinie Mand (writer name)

Fontecchio (AQ), Italy

"Ich bin ein Deutscher. In meinem
Vaterland bin ich möglich geworden. Deutschland hat mich verdient."

[... aus "Bella Dona"]


A World on its Own, 1987

Alone is Not Enough, 1988

Bella Dona, 1990

dedicated Donatella

Ogni anno arrivava in una notte in cui non poteva addormentarsi. Dopo mezzanotte lasciava il suo appartamento e andava nella foresta ...
    ... in spiaggia. Ha superato il mostro, che si è annodato. È una notte senza luna, senza stelle. È tutto tranquillo ...

Every year he arrived at a night where he cannot fall asleep. After midnight he left his apartment and went into the forest ... the beach. He passed the monster, that got knotted up. It’s a moonless night, a starless night. It’s all quiet ...

Sono tedesco, sono il risultato del paese di mio padre, la Germania dovrà sopportarmi.

I'm German. I'm a result of my father's land. Germany will have to endure me.


dedicated Jennifer

The Shock, 2023

dedicated Antonia

It is questionable what makes the omnipresent fear of recurring earthquakes with the inhabitants of a city and how the daily fear of a new day shapes, how they constantly have their neighbors in view, knowing that some of them - or they themselves - can be the next victims. Life among them and their families unexpectedly confronted him with his own German family and their dark rooms, which he gradually opened, looked at and researched. With these suffering, earthquake-damaged people he felt connected in a special way and permanently among them he came to different views regarding the rubble field of his own, German family of origin.

here are chapter 1 to 5

published in German (in translation to English ...)